Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The UnWanteds Island of Silence Cover Reveal

Okay so if you have been with me for a little bit, you know that I am very excited about Lisa McMann's  third book in this series, Island of Fire. Well, I was over on her blog and was reading her post about the four books she has coming out this year. Guess what I also found there? The cover for Island of  Fire!
Here is the post where she talks about all 4 books. I am only sharing this cover because it's the one I'm most excited for.  She is one of my favorite authors, and one listed as a trust author on my Editor's pick page. So I highly recommend her. It doesn't matter where you start with her, you 'll be happy.

Alas, here's the cover. 

September 3, 2012 
Synopsis not yet revealed. 

*I am not sure if I mentioned this in my other two posts, but I really hate when a book is compared as the mixture of two different books (I.E. Kirkus reviews "Hunger Games Meets Harry Potter").. It's a 50/50 shot of attracting readers and it doesn't give the book its own merit to stand on.  Should it be done? If the comparison is done where the book has it own standing as well and if the two books it's a mix of  didn't have box office hits in the theaters but an overwhelming unsettled mixed reception in the book world. *

Always Shine, 
Starr K

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