Peace at the Edge of Uncertainty by Neil Hanson
High Prairie Press – May 3, 2010
134 pages – Adult
Facebook: yes
Twitter: no
Source: The Author
Read what this book is about here.
A copy of this book was given to me, free, in exchange for my honest opinion.
This story is deeply personal, so much so that I don’t want to write this review. But, I’ve committed to sharing my honest opinion- positive or negative. I have some issues with this story – the first one being is it fiction or nonfiction? This really isn’t something someone should ever have to ask, at least in my opinion – especially when you’ve communicated with the author. It’s only referred to as a story in the back cover copy. Even going back to the original email with the author, I couldn’t find the answer. If it’s mentioned amongst the review clips than that would be the problem; I don’t read other people’s reviews of books I’ve accepted for review.
But, let’s not dwell on that because my opinion is the same whether it’s fiction or not. I don’t comment on other’s people faith or belief system. It’s a personal choice and everyone else has a right to whatever. I do remain open when I receive something that’s outside of my own system of beliefs. Or at least I try to; but my opinion is that you really can’t combine pieces of various faiths without altering the core of each one. I didn’t connect with the story, the death of the father and the son’s seeking didn’t reach me. I have a lot of issues with this story and in the end they only served as distractions that I was not able to overlook or forgive.
0 Stars
Always Shine,
Starr K
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