Elena Burroughs #1
Howard Books - Oct 4, 2011
352 pages - Adult, Fiction, Christian
Facebook: yes
Twitter: @davisbunn
Source: Louisville Free Public Library
Purpose: Received Book #2 for review
Goodreads Summary: For Dr. Elena Burroughs, life is divided into two chapters—before and after the death of her husband. Today marks the point that her span of being a wife is equal to her span of being a widow. Even her success as a psychologist and her worldwide acclaim for a book on the interpretation of dreams is dimmed by an unspoken If only. Then a new patient arrives, one so private only her first name is given. Impeccably dressed and escorted by two bodyguards, Sandra recounts a frightening series of recurrent nightmares. Elena agrees to consider her case more carefully, convinced that something ominous may be at work here. Elena's interpretation of her dreams confirms that, indeed, the new patient and her family confront a powerful global network of dangerous forces. As the story unfolds, they face a key question of the Christian life: How do you understand and fulfill the will of God?
My Thoughts: I have to admit that I love it when I finish one good book and start another. That was my fear with this book. I had just finished reading a book that blew my mind away with its awesomeness, and I didn't really know anything about this book or this author. It's not fair, I know. And I soon found out that I had nothing to worry about. There was a point where I looked up and realized that I had just read a hundred pages, but it had felt as though I had just begun. This was a fast read, but only because it was a can't -put -down page turner. I couldn't find a good stopping place so I just kept on reading.
Bunn has found a fresh perspective on the supernatural topic of dreams and faith. Dreams and what to do about them/how to interpret them are popping up a lot, especially in YA literature. But I haven't read anything like this. This story is definitely action- packed with some sinister bad guys. It's balanced with good guys who only want to do the right things. They are all connected by dreams that appear to be from God. They all come to Dr. Burroughs who steps into new territory when asked to help a stranger figure out her dream. They can only agree that it is God moving them together, not that any of them understand it.
This was a great read with characters that came life. The setting of Oxford often alternated between success and failure. Sometimes I remembered that the story was taking place in Oxford, this happened when the scenery was brought to the forefront or when the buildings were named and described. Other than that it felt that the story could take place anywhere. I don't think that this is a bad thing though.
What's Next? Hidden in Dreams
4 stars ****
Always Shine,
Starr K
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