Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Review: Going Under and Giveaway

Thanks to AToMR Tours for allowing me to participate in the Going Under and Shallow Tours.  Below you will find a link to the tour list and other sites should definitely visit!

Going Under by Georgia Cates
Going Under #1
Georgia Cates – March 10, 2012
347 pages- Young Adult, Fiction, Contemporary Romance
Facebook:  Yes
Twitter:  @GeorgiaCates
Source: Author via AToMR Tours

Read what this book is about here.
I received a digital copy of this book, free, in exchange for my honest opinion.
                I am going to tell you this only because of the promise of being honest, no matter what.  Negative reviews don’t make me happy.  Good reviews don’t make me happy. They only tell you of the overall experience I had with a book.  They don’t give you moment by moment reactions.  This is the third review I have written for the same book. Yes, third.  The first one was “negative”, but it didn’t capture everything because there were parts I enjoyed.  The second one was “positive” but it felt as if I overlooked what bothered me about the story.  So here we are, round three.   
                I did enjoy this story, really I did.  Jessie and Claire’s bantering back and forth was humorous, and their sexual tension were at moments over the top and other times dead on.  Looking back at my high school years, before teachers and administration started cracking down on PDA, some of the scenes were classic and would be seen everywhere. Others not so much.  Forbes tended to come off as a little bit psychotic to me. For me it was odd that no one really seemed to be bothered by it -not even the adults that were aware of his tendencies.  I like Jessie for the most part, though I can't say that he made a believable drug dealer. Yes, it's not what he wanted to do but he says it's what he knows. Maybe it was the lack of interaction he had with drug deals.  The only time where there is a scene with him attempting to make a deal is at the end, which only served as a catalyst for the conclusion.
                Claire and Jessie’s relationship was more of the insta-love variety so it lacked depth. This didn’t bother me so much from Jessie’s perspective, but it irritated me to no end coming from Claire.  A part of me wonders if the intensity stems from her trying to make contact with something more stimulating then Forbes, or her being a virgin. (Though from her constant mischievous behavior you wouldn't know she's a virgin.) The ending made the insta-love worth it.  A part of me was like “of course!”  But another part of me had to smile at the ending.  That was the odd thing about this book,  I was pulled into the story and at the end had a warm feeling.  But I am not gung-ho over this book and that may be because I was hoping for a darker ending. Regardless, it was an overall enjoyable experience.
Recommendation: YA Romance fans will enjoy this.  Though my feelings are mixed, I still think it’s worth checking out.
What’s Next?  Shallow
3 Stars ***

Starr K 

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