Thursday, September 22, 2011

What to do when there are so many books to read?

Before I was reading 3 or f 4 books within a week. Before I was posting the reviews of those books the same day that I finished reading them. Now I work crazy hours at a new job. Now I am finishing up classes, and trying to finish my master's degree. Now I have the opportunity to purchase more books, enter more book contests and get more arcs. But I don't have any more time. I want to build my reader base for my blog. I want to work on original short fiction for my blog. But I don't have any more time. I've put myself on a schedule;reviews are posted on Sundays, highlights are posted on Fridays and author spotlights are posted on Wednesdays. That has taken away some of the pressure, except for when Wednesday comes around and I realize that I still haven't decided on an author to spotlight. Do I go with someone I've been a loyal fan of for a long time? Or do I pick someone that I've read recently that just blows me away with their writing?

Well, October is coming and I would really like to read some really good scary books. I mean, I do have quite a few that are on my TBR pile; some just got there and others  have been there for a while. February I could read a bunch of romances or go in the tradition of recognizing Black History Month.

I have 4 shelves of books that fall into my TBR pile. Some of these books I have gone out and purchased myself (it is an addiction, if I come across a good book I want to own it). A few of them I have won from various contests, one just showed up in my mailbox and I really have no clue how it got there.  A couple have showed up in my mailbox or on my Kindle via a reviewing site I'm a part of. I have a couple of stacks of books that my sister has let me borrow, that, sadly, I still haven't touched.

So this is what I have decided to do, to catch up.  I know that Red House Books is hosting Netgalley October where you can focus on the galleys you need to read but haven't gotten to just yet. I want to participate because, you know I have quite a few galleys that I need to read. But that's not my solution. My solution is to have a theme for each month and have a pool of books (from my overflowing TBR pile; of course) that goes along with that theme. Eventually I would like to have a theme for every month and post them altogether. But I am still working some details out.  So I will just let you know what the theme for October is going to be.  In case you didn't pick it up earlier, it's going to be a scary theme.  Books that I anticipate will be scary.  Books that fall into this category would be: the Possessions trilogy by Nancy Holder (I have read the first one, Possessions, and have reviewed it already. I just never made it to the second one and I think this would be excellent for this theme.), Dracula (which I will be doing as my very first group read with the blog A Literary Odyssey. (Think you 're interested in doing this group read, check it out at There's also this book The Dark Corners that I saw a review for and decided to read so that I can convince someone else it's not too scary to read. This is only a small portion of books I can choose from for October's theme. And I will post the complete pool list Wednesday (hopefully I will have also decided how to do the author spotlight section as well). Maybe you all could help me figure this out.

Until then, I guess I will try to get through some books I need to review.

Always Shine,
Starr K

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