Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jessica McCann's All Different Kinds of Free

All Different Kinds of Free by Jessica McCann
Bell Bridge Books – March 28, 2011
Facebook: no
Rating: Loved it and hated it
Recommendation: Personally I think everyone in the world should read this book to get a better idea of slavery and to have a real appreciation of freedom

            Margaret Morgan was a black woman who lived in the 1830’s. Though her parents were slaves who were freed by their master, Margaret was born a free black. She enjoyed her freedom with her husband and three kids and the life that they had built together in Pennsylvania. But in one day, that is all destroyed and the life she knew was no more. Everything changed, and being free took on a whole new meaning.

            This story gives a whole know meaning to my understanding of freedom, betrayal strength and devastation. Was this story an accurate historical account of the real Margaret Morgan and her life? Maybe not, but I am sure it was an accurate depiction of that time. I don’t want talk about the story, because it is really something that the reader should experience.  The writing and the story are amazing. It’s in a time period that I could not have survived in, too much anger and hate and no one had a complete understanding of the depravity of man or the resiliency of humanity.
            The world that McCann describes through Margaret’s voice is vivid and her voice draws you in. You can’t help feel something while reading, especially when you realize that this did happen to someone. I wanted to hate Prigg, but I also wanted to understand how a man can do the horrible things that he did and not care. But, a part of me thinks that maybe he rationalized it to himself in a way that I will never understand it.
            To be honest, I don’t read a lot of books on black history or slavery, because it is something that I don’t understand and it stirs up a whole slew of emotions. But there are some books that cross my paths by accident on purpose. The first would be Kindred by Octavia Butler, and this would be the second.

Always Shine,
Starr K, 

I received this complimentary galley from Netgalley. The review is not required to be a positive one, but I assure you it is my honest opinion of the book. 

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