Saturday, December 17, 2011

Short Story Saturday 2

This is something that I decided to do to give the short stories some love. Why not? Most short stories are teasers for bigger novels and it's a great way to get to know authors as well as story lines.
(Round Two)
Monsters by Lilith Saintcrow
Eleni is a vampire who find her entire made family dead and burned.  I am not sure if this is a part of a current series or if it is a standalone, a fact that bothers me more than it should. I mean when you buy books that are part of a series it usually has the series somewhere on the book or in the title. Is that too much to ask for short stories as well? But I digress, I liked the story and I want to know more about Eleni. Was it overwhelming with awesomeness? No, it pulled me in and I connected briefly with her and by the end I definitely wished that it was longer. 

Vampires Prefer Blondes by P.N. Elrod
I liked this story from Bobbi's perspective. She's human without any supernatural abilities. But, she's tough and in-your-face. There is something to be said about tradition and something to be said about altering tradition just a little bit. There was a nice mix in this story. The vampire were not the likable bad guys, they were not changing the identity or core of the vampire character. But the hero, or heroine in this case, was able to take care of herself without all of the extra stuff.

Nine-Tenths of the Law by Jenna Black
I wasn't sure if I was going to like this story. And to be honest, it wasn't a favorite. But I didn't hate it. I'm kind of in the middle of the road with this one. Morgan Kingsley is an exorcist who is secretly possessed by a demon. Well, he's really a king demon. She is hired to exorcise a demon out of a rebellious teenager. Actually, she's hired as a last chance act and she accepts the job hoping to save someone from being burned alive. Would I consider Morgan Kingsley a kick-butt heroine? Based on this story, no. It was the King demon who possessed her who did enough for the cops to make it to the rescue in time. Do I like Morgan Kingsley? Yes, enough to seek out more of her stories so I can get to know her better. Maybe I'll end up with a different opinion of her later.

See you next Saturday!!
Always Shine, 
Starr K. 

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