Thursday, February 2, 2012

There's Something in the Air: Interview and Giveaway

There is something in the air, and I am here to share some amazing news with you, my fellow readers.  A while back you may remember seeing the review for an amazing book called Rippler.  You may have even taken the time to read the guest interview where Sam’s mom came and answered some questions so that we could get to know Sam.  Well, I mentioned that Chameleon was the next book in the series.

But now I want to announce that as of today Feb 01, 2012, (maybe a little before today actually) the final book, Unfurl, is available.  But more than that I have snagged an interview with the awesomeness that is Cidney Swanson, and she is doing a giveaway!  Not for one book, but for the entire Trilogy!!

**Be sure to scroll down for Rafflecopter form for contest**

Unfurl is Here and I am excited!!  So excited, that I am doing a happy dance!!!!

Without Further ado, here is the interview with the awesome Cidney Swanson—

1. What was the inspiration for Rippler? 

I’ve always loved the idea of invisibility—Bilbo’s and Frodo’s ring, Harry’s cloak, and some character I can’t remember from the extended Oz series. Rippler came about after I had this clear image in my head of a girl beside a river who disappeared and didn’t realize it.

2. Samantha has a unique ability, one that I have not really seen anywhere else. Were you nervous going into uncharted territory?

I didn’t think of it that way when I was writing. I just wrote a story that was really interesting to me, with a heroine who had this ability I’d always thought was super-cool! Only, she didn’t need a ring or a cloak. Later, when the story was done, and I realized how weirdly different it was from other YA paranormal romance/urban fantasy, I worried that no one but me would think it was interesting. Fortunately, I was wrong to worry.

3. What was your favorite part of writing this trilogy?

Figuring out answers to why did this happen? What made that happen? Why is this person evil? Why is this person here at all? I have a huge—no, ginormous—curiosity that can send me down some interesting trails.

4. What was the hardest part of writing this trilogy?

I cut so much out of this story—both things that were awful and things that were wonderful. The cutting and shaping was excruciating at times. Also, writing from the point of view of my villains was really disturbing and yucky.

5. Unfurl is the final book: is this the original ending? If not, how did it change along the way?

It’s definitely not the first ending I imagined. At first, I just wanted answers to “Why did this girl turn invisible?” and “Why didn’t she notice that she turned invisible?” But as I answered these questions (by writing the book), I realized that there would be more than one book, especially after the creepy back story with experiments emerged.

6. What are you going to miss about this series?

I will miss Will’s smile and kindness. I’ll miss Sam’s bravery. I’ll miss Sir Walter’s Franco-centric comments on everything. And the kissing! LOL!

7. What do you think fans will miss?

Oh, they tell me they miss Will, too! He’s a pretty cool dude.

8. Can you tell us anything about what you are planning next?

You mean, like, a tease? Abso-frickin-lutely! I’m revising a piece right now that has pointe shoes and hobgoblins and Russian food. I also have a first draft of a sci-fi novel that’s aging. As in, set aside to improve the flavor. Like wine or cheese.

9. Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Read, read, read. Read the classics heavily. There’s a reason they’re classics. Read widely in the genre in which you would like to write, and keep up-to-date in this area. (I.e., read what is selling well today.)
Write, write, write. The muse does not make visits with sufficient frequency to keep most of us writing. Write on a schedule whether you feel inspired or not. I find that inspiration follows B-I-C (butt-in-chair) pretty predictably.

10. What is your writing routine? Is there something that you have to have while writing or something that drives your crazy while writing?

When I am doing a first-draft or revising, I like to get my writing done first thing in the day. I’m not a morning person, so I don’t get up at the crack of dawn or anything, but when I do get up, I sit down to write for a couple of hours. My editorial/critical brain isn’t fully awake yet, so my creative brain is much more willing to give me the good stuff.

When I’m doing line edits, I wait ‘til later in the day to start. I spend the non-writing part of my day answering fan emails and tweets, posting to and reading blogs, and, of course, reading! And doing mom-stuff like cooking and helping my kids with homework or taking them places.

When I’m writing, it drives me crazy to be interrupted by my family. (Sorry, guys. Although it’s not like that’s news!) I have to have hot tea (black tea with milk or cream) at all times. I have to have music off, or I pay attention to the lyrics instead of my own stories. That’s about it for must-haves!

Thanks so much, everyone, for the chance to stop by and visit today! Come say hi anytime!

Thanks, Cidney for stopping by and spending time with us here. Good luck with your next adventure in writing, and I am quite curious to see how pointe shoes, hobgoblins and Russian food come together.

a Rafflecopter giveaway  Readers: good look with the giveaway, you will definitely want to read this series!

Want to stay connected with Cidney?
You can find her using one of these links:
Books on Amazon

Always Shine,
Starr K


  1. Thanks for the chance. Id have The ability to manipulate the weather!

  2. To teleport myself and others anywhere!! Thank you for this giveaway!
