Saturday, December 24, 2011

Short Story Saturday 3

 This is something that I decided to do to give the short stories some love. Why not? Most short stories are teasers for bigger novels and it's a great way to get to know authors as well as story lines. 

Double Dead by Cheyenne Gray
 I ha no idea what was going on in the beginning, and even now I am not sure if I understand the significance of the events that took place in this story. But I didn't -and still don't- have to. That is the beauty of a short story. I am sure it fits snugly in its place in between two full size novel. But for a short story, it had it all. It  had action and conflict. It had a personal crisis as well as an emotional ride for the reader. It was a great way to meet Nyx, though I would not say that this was her best moment.   We all do things that we otherwise wouldn't, especially when someone's life hangs in the immediate balance. But I know that we would not be able to fix things the way that Nyx does. 

A Rose by Any Other Name Would Still be Red by Elizabeth A. Vaughn
There was a lot of action and kick but toughness in this story. I can't say much, other than it must be a tough gig to be the Queen's enforcer who is also a woman. I can feel my heart beat with adrenaline as Red does her best to fight quietly and quickly. Though it was full of action there was enough glimpse into Red's character to tell that she is one that I would definitely like. 

Monster Mash: a Delilah Street, Paranormal Investigator, Case by Carole Nelson Douglas
This is a story that I would classify as weird, but enjoyable. it had some mystery, some movie nostalgia, a little madness and a lot of paranormalness going on. It was a quick and fun read. I am definitely interested in reading more, but to be honest I'm not really sure how I feel about Delilah.

That's all I have for this week, see ya next Saturday!!!
Always Shine, 
Starr K

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